Friday, November 25, 2011

That last post and re-thinking the blog

That last post I wrote 5 days ago. I posted it today, back-dated. I have been rethinking the blog. I have been thinking that I want a radical mothering blog, but I want to blog about myself as well. My inner and outer journey. My complete self. I was planning to split the blog into two. I haven't felt inspired to do so.

So i am thinking, what is this blog about? Shall I create a separate blog for the part about mothering? For my non personal-healing and growth ideas? My non-integrated blog?

Well, I haven't figured it out yet. And since I am trying to shed the "writer" label, I can't say if and when I will make this decision, so I guess I will continue as is for now. hmmm.


MommyAnarchy said...

As one anarchist mom to another, I love to see blogs that integrate the personal and the political. Its great to read about parenting, but I also love the personal stories of other women and whatever happens to be interesting to them at the moment. Mothering isn't a separate sphere of life, so I don't think you should have to make it into a different blog unless it would make things easier for you. I am very inspired by other radical parents who blog and hope to start writing consistently myself. Solidarity!

Lazy Jane said...

thanks for the encouragement! since i am shedding labels, i am not a writer anymore, thus I don't need to organize my writing for better readership. I realized that that is the only reason I was thinking of separating the mom I could have a mom blog, (my blog is listed in two places as having to do something with mothering) and people could go and read about being a mom and mom stuff and not have to read all this boring personal stuff. You know?

Hope you start finding your writing outlet as well!