Monday, December 05, 2011

My kid is smart.

I had been thinking about getting R a Crafty Kid Playhouse for Christmas or maybe her 5th birthday coming up.  They seemed cute, she would be able to color it, they are "eco-friendly" and they are made right here in the USA.  And she loves playhouses and forts.  As we were leaving a store the other day, I saw some by the door.  To gauge her interest, I was like, "Wow, that looks like fun, cardboard playhouses, and you get to color them yourself!"  Ramona glanced down and said, "We don't need that.  I have a playhouse in the yard, and we make houses with cardboard boxes inside."  And she walked right out the door.   Uh, derrr.  She is so logical sometimes (in a good way).  It is way more fun and crafty building ones own playhouse from old cardboard boxes (I'm glad we kept some from the move), and much more eco-friendly.  What was I thinking?

1 comment:

echomyst said...

... or those pre-made paper dolls that they sell nowadays? Whatever happened to making your own?

I hope T will be smart like Ramona when she's older! :-)