Thursday, April 21, 2011

My Biggie Tadpole

Well i can't seem to complete a complete idea in my writing which lead to lack of posting, but frog updates are easy!

I do think I need to share my tadpoles though.  12 hatched.  I gave 3 away. Then Ramona's fish died when she was in the hospital, so it conveniently freed up an aquarium so now they all have space.  The biggest one is really growing up! I actually saw it's tongue pop out of it's mouth today!  So cute and unexpected. 

double trouble

I spent hours researching tadpoles online. In all the posts I read about how to take care of tadpoles (which were many many many), it wasn't until I read about tadpoles from a university site from the biology department that I actually got an understanding of the little things.  Lots of sites told me to feed them frozen or boiled lettuce or spinach and to clean their water often. Lots of sharing of info with no real sharing of knowledge. Ahh, the Information Age..
my biggie tadpole
The university site told me about how tadpoles actually get most of their nutrition not from the plant, but the bacteria that decomposes the stuff...basically it is better if it is rotting. They also said that tadpoles eat their poop.  It also told me that tadpoles release a chemical that stunts the growth of other tadpoles, so it is good to partially change the water a lot so the little tadpoles can keep up growing, but not to remove the poop or clean the bottom, or flora or fauna.  Those other information  sites had said to only feed as much as they could eat in a short time...not good advice since they love the rot.  Some sites told me to completely clean out the cage every couple weeks (more bad advice). Unfortunately, anyone can make a site, or get paid for writing a "how to" page.  The internet is getting so full of empty and mediocre information, it's getting harder and harder to learn anything.  But I guess as the internet gets more mediocre, we can learn new ways to locate, process and understand info.

Anyhow, looks like we got some Sierran Tree tadpoles.

old piece of spinach, new perspective

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